University of Würzburg

Summer term 20224

Internationale Ökonomik (undergraduate, lecture)

Empirical International Trade (graduate, lecture and exercise)

Winter term 2023/24

Globalization and the Environment (undergraduate, lecture and exercise)

International Climate Policy (graduate, seminar)

Summer term 2023

Empirical International Trade (graduate, lecture and exercise)

University of Potsdam

Summer term 2023

Introduction to Statistics (undergraduate, lecture)

Winter term 2022/23

Advanced Quantitative Methods (undergraduate, lecture and exercise)

Structural Estimation in International Economics (graduate, lecture and exercise class, also offered for PhD students of the Berlin School of Economics)



Summer term 2022

Introduction to Statistics (undergraduate, lecture)

Panel Data Econometrics (graduate, lecture and exercise class, also offered for PhD students of the Berlin School of Economics)

Winter term 2021/22

Advanced Quantitative Methods (undergraduate, lecture and exercise)

Structural Estimation in International Economics (graduate, lecture and exercise class, also offered for PhD students of the Berlin School of Economics)


Summer term 2021

Introduction to Statistics (undergraduate, lecture)

Panel Data Econometrics (graduate, lecture and exercise class, also offered for PhD students of the Berlin School of Economics)


Winter term 2020/21

Advanced Quantitative Methods (undergraduate, lecture and exercise)

International Political Economics (graduate, seminar)


Bachelor and Master Theses

Students interested in writing their bachelor or master theses under my supervision can contact me via email or make an appointment for my consultation hour. All students writing a thesis under my supervision also need to participate in the colloquium offered by the University of Potsdam's Chair of Empirical Economics. Therefore, their registration deadlines also apply.


Consultation hour

If you have any questions, you can come to my consultation hour (currently also possible online). It takes place on Wednesdays from 2 to 5 pm. You can make an appoitment via Calendly.

Courses taught previously (University of Bayreuth)

Advanced Empirical Economics (graduate level, exercise class)

Climate Econometrics (graduate level, seminar)

Economic Methods and Techniques (undergraduate level, lecture)

Empirical International Trade (graduate level, seminar with computer exercise class)

Empirical Labour Economics (graduate level, excercise class)

Introduction to Empirical Methods (graduate level, lecture and exercise class)

Panel and Times-Series Econometrics (undergraduate level, exercise class)

Copyright 2019-2025 Joschka Wanner